So, if you have ever slept on the bottom bunk, this may be a familiar sight.
We got these bunkbeds a few years ago off of Craigslist and they did not look like this on the bottom-they were whole. Now, as some of you may know, that cobweby stuff is fun to stick your finger through, and well, once there is a hole there, it sure is fun to make it bigger. Before too long, you've got great big swoopy holes all on the underside of the bed right above your head. Now, I had cut the hanging down pieces a while ago, but this was still the view.
So, before we put their beds back together, I had a bright idea! I have fabric, I wonder it I have enough of one to cover all that ugliness. So, I went and investigated, and sure enough I had about 3 yards of this orange color. So, I grabbed Ray's staple gun and got to work. I just stapled the sides neatly and ran out of staples on the last pouch-so this project was meant to be!
O's new view from the bottom bunk. I think It's pretty genius myself. And as O says, 'Now It won't look like a haunted house.'
You are a pretty amazing mama