Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Tour is Here! The Tour is Here!

Dear Friends, Family, and Husband,

      I have not disappeared.  Really.  It's just that time of year.  The Tour de France is on-not that I care too much about seeing strangers riding bicycles in a country that I will never be able to visit, it's just that Ravelry has this thing for spinners.  It's called the 'Tour de Fleece'.  See what they did there?  They made it about spinning.  And the goal of this is to spin every day of the tour.  Resting when they take a rest, challenging yourself on the challenge days.

During last years tour I spun 6 skeins of yarn.  That's as much as I spun the rest of the year, so I kinda need this.  I have done SOME spinning this year, but not my goal of 2 skeins a month.

So.  Here is what I've done so far.

Day one:  I went over to C's house and we skirted and tried our hand at washing wool.  This stuff is so gross.  Just yuck.  Makes me appreciate the prepped stuff.
 Then I came home and started some spinning.  I took some brightly colored phat fiber samples I'd collected and made them into rolags...
 This is what rolags look like.  Fiber sausages!  Fun!
 This is what my bobbin looked like on day 2, much spinning.
 And today, I finished spinning the singles and plied them on each other.  I ended up with 3.15 oz/250 yd/Navajo plied(that's 3 plies on itself.  It's kinda tricky)

This weekend I also skeined up miniskeins for the phat fiber July box, sewed a couple or bags, and had a wicked good couch nap.  But that's a subject for a different post.

1 comment:

  1. I like the upper left and bottom right corners best.
