Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Business Time-Monday March 7, 2016

So.  I have decided to put myself on a schedule for blogging so that maybe I will blog more than once a month.   I am planning to blog at least 3 times a week.

This week I've been making lists and checking them twice.  I am now lest than a month until DFW Fiber Fest and in order to make sure I get everything accomplished, that means good planning.  So, I need to make a list and check it twice and thrice and try to actually sleep, but I'm having  hard time with that.

And my goal this week is to list something everyday-So that means that Luck O The Irish is up at Brazen Stitchery

Both DFW Fiber Fest and Yellow Rose Fiber Fiesta are hosting a stitch marker swap, so I've been playing around with getting Ms Sheepy on to shrinky dink to then turn her into stitch markers.   I am planning on also adding beads to the marker and having the event on one side so that attendees at both shows get unique stitch markers.

And here's the periscope where I talk about it all, if you want to see me being under slept.  Yay new schedule!

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