Friday, September 5, 2014

Brazen Friday-9/5/2014

I woke up feeling a little dizzy and have been extra tired today.  Here's hoping that this doesn't turn into anything.

This has been a 'research and development' week at the shop.

I have had some trouble with my sewing machine this week.  When I has helping with costumes for Camelot, the Viking got an injury and just hasn't really acted right since then.  That came to a head this week when I was expecting her to be a marathon girl.  She just needs to go to the shop.  But I need to sew, so I brought out my backup.  She doesn't do button holes, but I can deal.

I started the rework with my Medium bag.  This is what the original design looks like.
 This was rework number one.

 Wrist strap-a bit long.  Drawstring, not yarn, now of fabric, but a bit short.  and the bag is just a bit too small.

Rework Number two looks like this.
 Good lengths on both the drawstring and the wrist strap.  I also tried adding an inner pocket along the seam.
I didn't like how it turned out.

Rework number 3.

Added a pocket to the outside and used the same fabric for the wrist strap.  Feels closer to done here.

But, I wanted to shift the pocket and gusset the bottom.
Rework number 4.

I also changed the position of the wrist strap on this one-having it from the top, not the side seam.  but don't really like the look of the gusseted bottom.

Rework number 5.

This, I think is the winner.  There is still a tweak I'd like to do-I'd like to go back to using a button hole, but the older machine doesn't do them very well.  So I may set up the viking and see if I can at least coax her to do button holes.  I boxed the bottom instead of gusseting.  I like this look much better.

I also started reworking my 'double double' drawstring bag.  That's double fabric, double drawstring.
This is what the original looks like.  This is just a basic lined bag.

I sat down to rework this yesterday.  I started by adding interfacing.  So now, she stands on her own.
 I also made a drawstring casing instead of using button holes.
 AND, I added an interior double pocket.  This one is unlined, but future bags will have a lined pocket.

I am pretty proud of this design and other than a few tweaks to construction, I feel like this is a good place to be with it.

I also have been batting this week.

And now, I am gonna go curl up with a book.  I have two full days scheduled and need a night 'off' so I can be productive this weekend.

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